martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Niños 3 - March 18-19


In today's class we'll continue with verbs CAN and CAN'T


CAN is for affirmative (+) answers. Is is used to indicate ability. Example: I CAN run {yo puedo correr) 🏃🏻‍♀

CAN'T is for negative (-) answers. Is is used to indicate lack of ability (falta de). For example: I CAN'T swim (No puedo nadar)  🏊🏻‍♂❌

We'll start with PREPOSITIONS of PLACE as well! 

Now it's your turn: 

Find the activities in this Google document below    

NO EDITAR SOBRE EL DOCUMENTO DE GOOGLE. Descargar y Mandar las actividades como un documento Word al mail . Tienen tiempo hasta mañana 19/03

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