jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

Niños 2 - April 2nd

Hello students! Welcome April 🍂

Today we're going to correct the BOOK and Workbook pages completed (hasta el 30 de marzo) and we're going to practice the new unit (PARTS OF THE HOUSE, and QUESTIONS). 

First, clic on the link below and find the correct version of the BOOK and WB. (para que uds se corrijan a ver cómo han trabajado hasta acá)

link: 👉 paginas del libro y cartilla corregidas

Now, go to the Google document below to find the activities for today's class. (Tiene hasta la semana que viene para enviar estas últimas actividades.)

link: 👉Google document with activities 

Here's a summary: 

One, Revision of parts of the house and questions

Two, personal questions (sobre la casa de cada uno)

This is the end!  Next week, we'll start with the video classes. I'll send you the link so be ready to interact in the virtual class!

Good bye!

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